Sunday 22 May 2016

Sample Body Paragraph #1: Hijacked for Sport

Munners argues that profiting from ANZAC day cheapens its legacy. By sarcastically referring to match day calling of players as 'modern day warriors' Munners emphasizes the ridiculousness of associating footballers with real life soldiers. By comparing the on field exploits of footballers, to the real 'bloody battlefield' sacrifices of Anzac soldiers Munners illustrates how the comparison cheapens the image of the Anzac soldier. This positions readers to see how the Anzac legend is damaged by profiteering corporations. Munners also uses emotive language when suggesting that 'a little part of me dies.' By using these emotive terms Munners is attempting to play on the readers morality, faith in Australia and emotional connection to the Anzacs. Munners encourages Australian's to feel guilty for the Anzac's legacy being damaged, encouraging readers to take action to prevent further destruction of the Anzac spirit.

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